Enrico Orlandi who from an early age showed a particular penchant for mechanics. |
EnricoOrlandiand his brother Giovanni gave life toacompany that madecarts, carriages andwagonsequipped, like thoseof firefightersinBagnolo, soldnotonlyin Brescia area, butalsoinTyrol, wherethe reputationandthe quality of products made in Bresciacome to an endof the secondwarofindependence. Theworkshop, asoftenhappenedat that time, was locatedwithin thefarmhouse. Theroomswere smallandpoorly lit, so much so thatworkers, when productionwould permit, tocollectthe necessary toolsand to moveon the road, thus creatingan impromptushowcasetheir products: thelimited trafficandthe practicepermit it, it was necessary only summer time. |
Original logo of "Rimorchi Orlandi", Brescia. |
Bornby the willof EnricoandGiovanniOrlandi, the company continuesafter the dissolutionof the company itself, which took place in 1911, withthe sonsof Enrico: VincenzoandAngelo. They createthe"Orlandi Enrico& Figli" remainsactiveuntil 1922, when Angelofounded"Carrozzeria A.Orlandi" whileVincenzocreatesthe "FactoryTrailersVincenzoOrlandi" with headquarters atQuinzano. The productionbegins with the constructionoftrailersandspecial vehiclestippersfor the transport ofcoaland gravel, trailersfor movinglarge blocks ofmarble, tanksforfirefightersand special vehiclesforwaste disposal. |
1936 - 1944
New headquarters in Via XX Settembre 28, with outside the distributor of diesel and gas property of the company. |
In 1925 Pirelli begins the manufacture of tires "in balloon" or low pressure. FIAT adopts spray painting and a year later founded the AGIP (Italian General Petroleum Company). In 1928 the producers of Brescia vehicles are associated to the newly ANFIA, that body will then Vincenzo Orlandi hold the office of president of the group trailers. At the same time are improved infrastructures that allow to adjust the road network to the new requirements of circulation. In the 30s it presents the three-axle trailer Imperio, production milestone Orlandi (his stay in the market will continue until the 80's). The creative ability of Vincenzo Orlandi, who personally develops the insights that turn into projects typical of its production, must be protected against strong competition. For this reason they are stored countless patents that guarantee definitely the paternity of his ideas. |
Animal-drawn wagon "Vata" 3 tons towing capacity. |
Thepostwar periodsaw thetrailersOrlandiengagedin reclaimingvehiclescalledremnants of war, that those meansthat the US militaryafterthe war ended, he believed more onerousrepatriatewholeavethe field.The availabilityof these vehicleswas essentialfor the revivalof an economy thatwascaught betweenthe urgentneed toresumeandproduceand the disastrousconditionsof the plants, withthe major manufacturersdevastatedby bombing. Thissituationwas torestoretemporarilyforcethetractionanimal that, for a shortperiod, returnsonItalianroads. It isthenexpresslyset up atOrlandia series of wagons: theVatawith flow rates of20, 30 and 60 quintals. Theyare characterized byrubber wheels, independent suspensionandbrakewiththe front control. |
1947 - 1955
“Lupo”, the first drawbar coupling with a towing capacity up to 60 ton. |
The realization of a semitrailer to one axis only, with a special articulated joint connected to the tractor truck army allowed to provide themselves with a series of trucks that adopted the new solution towing. The staging of this particular device assigns the Orlandi credit for mass-produced, first, the semitrailer. The success of this innovative product is immediate and they are studying different versions. The recovery is now initiated, the manufacturers present new vehicles continuously, characterized by dimensions and different flow rates, with the consequent need for factory Brescia to adjust the range so as to provide a trailer for each truck. The towbar, traditionally applied to trucks by manufacturers, began to be no longer up to increasingly demanding performance. FIAT itself, in the mid-50s, asked informally to Vincenzo Orlandi to study a permanent solution that will solve the problem. |
1968 - 1978
The htow coupling isdefinitelyakey elementin thetrailervehicle combination; inthis photo some oftowing systemsproduced in series. |
The import of foreign brand trucks, virtually non-existent until then, takes this time of significant size. The most important Italian brands, now merged in the IVECO brand, have to deal with Mercedes, Scania, Volvo, MAN and Ford, which become in turn vehicles 'motor' of the product Orlandi. Trailers Uranus, Telete, Persian, Ursus, Empedolce, run through Italy and Europe in their various configurations: tank, transporter, with sides, becoming advertising themselves traveling to a successful product. Began in this decade a transformation process due to finish until the 80, with the only choice to devote its resources to the production of towing systems. |
Current headquarters of V.ORLANDI Via Quinzano 3, Flero (Brescia).
In March1989 thefamilyMascialinodecides totake responsibilityto continueatradition of successandtook over theownershipof thetrailersV.ORLANDI, GianpietroMascialinoentrustingthe task tothe new challenges. The companythus becomespart of theCAM-BS group. Great effortsarededicatedto building astrong and dynamictechnical teamand the renewalofa staffexecutivecapable of operatingat the highest levelwiththe most advanced technologies.
1990 - 2000
Machining of components on CNC machining centers. |
Huge investments are aimed at the strengthening of the human and material resources to achieve the design, production and marketing live up to the historical traditions of the company. CAD and CAM, CNC machining centers, machines for three-dimensional simulation and verification, advanced testing facilities for materials, complex computer equipment replace the tools of ancient traditions. This colossal effort finally allows achieving ambitious goals, pursued with confident certainty, leading the company to full commercial success at international level. In late 1992 the company name is changed from "No Trailers V.ORLANDI" to "V.ORLANDI", which adds the words "towing systems" to give a message even more clear about the mission assumed by the industry. In June 1994 the V.ORLANDI obtains ISO 9001. In the same year the V.ORLANDI became a member of the ISO, assuming then, since 1997, the role of coordinator of the same workgroup. |
An image of the first agricultural catalogue printed by V.ORLANDI. |
Founded in 1954 by brothers Gabriele and Luciano Grassi the company deals with fine beginning of agricultural mechanization progressively specializing in the design, manufacture and marketing of towing systems for the agricultural sector. In September 2003 he joined the G.GRASSI V.ORLANDI and thanks to this strategic acquisition the V.ORLANDI also begins to industrialize the agricultural towing systems destined mainly for the original equipment. The production includes not only the trailer hitches manual and automatic, but also slides and chassis interface with the tractor. In addition to the know-how, the acquisition of G.GRASSI allowed to get hold of important patents for solutions to improve the safety and ease of use of agricultural towing systems. Examples are the system "matriosca" that allows switching from one category to another of a hook manual and the system "easy-up" which considerably reduces the force required to adjust vertically (raise and lower) the drive system mounted sleigh. |
Logo to celebrate the 150th anniversary of V.ORLANDI. |
The financial crisisbroke outin August 2007followinga recessionthat beganin the second quarterof 2008anda seriousindustrial crisisbroke outin the fallof that year-oflargerproportionsthan in theGreat Depression-withasharp decline inproductionand orders.2009 will becharacterizedbyageneral economic crisis, heavyrecessionsanddizzyingcollapseofGDPinmany countries around theworldandespeciallyin the western world. TheV.ORLANDI, becamea well-establishedinternational companydecides todevotemost of itsresourcesto the design anddevelopmentofnew products forexisting marketsand new markets. In the same yeartheV.ORLANDIcelebrates its150thanniversary. |
Commercial poster of V.ORLANDI. |
After more than 20 years of presence in the Australian market and a dedicated product range specifically designed and developed for the local heavy duty conditions, V.ORLANDI is proud to announce the opening of V.ORLANDI AUSTRAILA PTY LTD. Based in Melbourne, the Australian V.ORLANDI company, proudly support the Australian market through the complete V.ORLANDI Pacific product range, addressed to truck and dog trailers, truck and pig trailers, road trains, heavy haulage, tip over axle trailers, livestock trailers, military and mining operators. The availability of the products and their spare parts is made possible by warehouses located all around Australia and a well-established aftermarket sales network. |
With the economic recovery and investment in the development of new products, the V.ORLANDI is now able to offer the market a complete product range of towing systems dedicated to original equipment sector Automotive, Agricultural, Military and Mining, characterized from dedicated products with very high values of load and particular surface treatments. The production of V.ORLANDI covers today all the requirements of the applications in the domestic and international markets, offering a range of products with load capacity from 3.5 tons to 500 tons. The product catalog of V.ORLANDI is now composed of four volumes: red catalog, dedicated systems for towing trailers, blue catalog, dedicated systems for towing trailers, green catalog, dedicated to towing systems for tractors and catalog "Pacific", dedicated to the towing systems addressed mainly to countries in the area such as Oceania Australia and New Zealand. |